Warp Dilation node¶
The Warp Dilation node dilates its input image along the slope or contours of a heightmap. For each pixel, it samples the input image along that path and keeps the highest value (after the attenuation factor is applied).

The Warp Dilation node accepts two inputs:
The Input input is the image to be deformed.
The Heightmap input is a greyscale image whose slopes or contours will be used to deform the source.
The Warp Dilation node outputs the deformed image.
The Warp Dilation node has three parameters:
Angle, that defines the angle from the slopes along which the warp effect is performed
Resolution, that defined the precision of the effect
Distance, that defines the distance along which the effect is performed
Attenuation, that defines the value attenuation that is applied along the path
Example images¶